Where did the year go? I graduate in just over 2 weeks and a day later will be flying down to Peru to participate in an internship with One Laptop Per Child. To learn more about the organization check out this video:
and check out their mission statement here:
I've found out that the areas of deployment have been narrowed down to 3: San Martin (cold and way up in the Andes), Pasco (less cold, still up high) and finally Ucayali (deep in the Amazon jungle). I'm hoping for the jungle, but will be happy anywhere I end up, so long as the elevation doesn't make my head fill with water and my brain explode.
I'm interviewing for an Americorps position today in Eugene. Keep your fingers crossed, it sure would be nice to have a job lined up when I return from Peru in August. Thanks for reading and keep checking out the blog. I've ordered a lightweight collapsible keyboard that is a little larger than the XO keyboard. Hoping to keep everyone updated a litte more frequently than last summer in Mexico and Guatemala.
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