Sunday, June 28, 2009

Peru is great, but I need my darn rap music.

I like the music, but in moderation. The yelping and flute eventually all blends and sounds the exact same to me. Many people would say the same about hiphop though, so for each his/her own. I actually bought a Michael Jackson cd today for a dollar fifty, sad he´s dead at 50.

I´ve been youtubing for an hour now. I love all the videos, getting a music fix by listening to hiphop from Canada. Great stuff. This guy named Shad is amazing. Listen to him here.

The end of the weekend is near. The weddings yesterday were fun, the first was a little dusty and I didn´t have a seat, the second I only remember looking at my watch and thinking it´s way to early for the numbers to be blurring the way they were. We drank copious amounts of Peruvian beer and celebrated like the majority of marriages don´t end in divorce. I got some chaufa and was sleeping by 10 p.m. Yep, I party hard here in Sapallanga.

Now I´m hanging out in Huancayo, Becky and I visited an open air market earlier today and while she attends a Church service I´m doing some blogging and uploading videos. Afterword, I believe we will getting some pollo a la brasa, delicious peruvian slow roasted chicken with french fries on the side. All for just over a dollar. Love it.

How about a couple more salsa making videos?

Part 2

Part 3

Nos vemos. Mas luego.


Bill Fulton said...

What a great way to make salsa! Who needs a food processor when you've got a stone? Love the chicken feeding, by the way.

Lee said...

ed that the flavor was better this way thn with a blender!