Monday, August 18, 2008


Back in Queretaro from a weekend trip to Mexico. Yes I am in Mexico, and when in Mexico and you make a trip to the city of Mexico you simply call it "Mexico."Crazy, I know. I had a lot of fun and saw some amazing things, it really is too bad I couldn't take pictures in the National Art Museum because there was a Diego Rivera mural that (for a student of Political Science) was just awe inspiring. It was a depiction of a man trying to change the world from the two possible directions it was heading, capitalism on one side, socialism on the other. Diego was of course, a little one sided and had many more negative images on the capitalism side than the my opinion. The piece though, was simply amazing and it's history was very controversial as well. It was originally supposed to be in New York but because of Lenin's depiction it was never shown. Wikipedia for more info, it is very very interesting. I wish we had 2 more hours for both the Anthro Museum and the Art museum, but when in Mexico with 20 tired gringos sometimes things don't pan out. We also visited the site of the 1968 shooting of a number (still disputed) of students protesting the government in anticipation of the Summer Olympics. The city has so much history, it is amazing yet completely believable that its 25 million people make up one quarter of the population of all of Mexico. (After writing that statistic I just asked my host sister and her friend and they claim it has 20 million, either way it is HUGE!)

I am keeping very busy at school and am pleased to report that I got a 9.8 out of 10 on my presentation over Mexican weddings last week in my discussion class. It was 15 por ciento of my grade! I don't especially want to talk about my midterm in grammar class, but have a feeling Object Direct and Indirect kicked my butt a bit. Whatever, just inspiration to study a little harder before the final. Anyways avid followers, here is a link to a number of photos I just put up, hope you enjoy!

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